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What English courses does Novakid have?

Table of contents
  1. The Time2Talk speaking course
  2. The Virtual Explorer speaking course with 3D tours

In this article, we will tell you about all courses that Novakid has and which one will best suit your child.

The study program is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing English courses for your child

The educators of the Novakid online English school have developed 3 study programs:

  1. The General English course;
  2. Intensive English course on speaking: Time2Talk;
  3. Intensive English course on speaking with 3D tours: Virtual Explorer.

All English study programs at Novakid are developed in compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR. Individual age differences of kids are also considered when creating content for the course.

The General English course

The General English course is designed for kids aged 4-12 and helps teach them basic speaking, reading, and comprehension skills.

The program is divided into 5 levels, each one is meant for kids of a different age group, and gradually increases in difficulty. Each level consists of units with their own vocabulary and grammar. Children learn to read and consolidate their knowledge.

To make learning English fun for the kids, most of the content is gamified. Novakid students learn English in the form of a game: with mini-games, creative interactive tasks, quests, and comics.

The General English course also concentrates heavily on speaking. Novakid teachers conduct lessons only in English, which leads to a good comprehension of the English speech.

As for reading, at the “zero” level (L0), children learn different sounds and how to blend them. They start learning how to read letters right in the first lesson. To teach kids how to read, Novakid teachers use a modern and efficient method based on reading through phonics. You can read more about this method here.

The module program of two subsequent levels includes regular lessons and lessons that rely on the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method. In these lessons, kids learn English with the help of various topics: from cartoons to protecting the environment.

The Time2Talk speaking course

The Time2Talk course is meant for kids aged 9-12 who already have the A2-B1 level of English (CEFR).

The course consists of 40 lessons, and each of them is dedicated to a different conversational topic: for example, sports, sea creatures, shopping, movies, etc.

In the lessons, kids develop grammar and lexical skills, expand their vocabulary, and, of course, practice speaking English. The lessons are conducted in English only and the teachers build a close rapport with the kids in an atmosphere of mutual trust. If kids have any difficulties with understanding, teachers can easily clarify their instructions using visual materials, body language, and facial expressions.

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Novakid online platform educators recommend Time2Talk as an additional course for students with required Levels 3 or 4 of the General English course. However, it can be assigned individually for those who want to pay more attention to developing their speaking skills.

The Virtual Explorer speaking course with 3D tours

The Virtual Explorer course is designed for kids from 10 years and up with a level of English equivalent to A2-B1 or those students who have already completed Level 4 of the General English course or the Time2Talk course.

The Virtual Explorer course is constantly updated with new lessons: there are already 80 of them right now! Lessons are held in the form of having discussions with a teacher. The topics are connected with discussing global issues (for example, ecology or development of ecotourism), as well as some more facts from basic school subjects (the water cycle or the Vikings). The wide variety of topics is meant to help students develop their speaking skills and critical thinking, as well as creativity. It also helps expand their horizons.

Each lesson is a virtual tour offering to visit various corners of the Earth together with a teacher. 3D panoramic tours help students feel immersed in the surroundings and observe real life. It develops their intellectual curiosity, as well as motivates the spontaneous use of the English language: to learn more, you need to actively interact with the teacher in English.

You can learn more about the Virtual Explorer course and the topics it contains in this article.

The Novakid online platform offers kids and their parents a free trial lesson. In this full-fledged first lesson, the teacher will engage your child in learning by using fun English games. The teacher will also show the interactive platform and its features, and determine their level of English. The trial lesson is 25 min long and is conducted in English.

You can sign up for a free trial lesson and learn more about Novakid here.


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