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lektioner med certificerede lærere, der taler flydende engelsk.
Novakids programmer er udviklet i henhold til den europæiske CEFR-standards niveau A1 og A2, som svarer til Cambridge English YLE Starters, Movers and Flyers tests. Som en del af en prøvelektion bedømmer læreren barnets niveau og kigger hele tiden på udviklingen i løbet af undervisningen, så fremskridtet sikres.
lektioner med certificerede lærere, der har engelsk som modersmål.
Novakids programmer tager hensyn til de forskellig aldersgruppers psykologiske kendetegn. Under en prøvetime vurderer læreren barnets niveau i forhold til alder og viden. Novakids lærere og medarbejdere kigger på fremskridtet og justerer programmet efter barnets behov igennem hele undervisningsprocessen.
Novakids programmer er baseret på CEFR-standarderne og består af 4 hovedniveauer, et særligt program til førskolebørn og et avanceret, tale-intensivt kursus “Time2Talk”. Niveauerne består af enheder. Hver enhed har 4 lektioner omkring samme emne med veldefineret grammatik, ordforråd og talepraktik.
Lærere følger, styrer og belønner elevens fremskridt med præstationsbevis og diplomer. Derudover har vi særlige lektioner med fokus på grammatik, tale og læsning, så lærerne kan tilpasse undervisningen til hvert barn efter individuelle behov!
En lektion varer 25 minutter. Dette er et perfekt tidsrum, da barnet lærer effektivt og ikke når at blive træt. Forskning har påvist, at enelektioner (særligt med modersmålstalende) har en meget højere arbejdsintensitet end gruppelektioner.
Prøv bare!Lær engelsk med en modersmålstalende.
Vores lærere kommer godt ud af det med dit barn, tester dets engelskniveau og inspirerer det til at lære sproget!Hello! My name is Josse. I live in England with my family. My passion is teaching children! In fact, my whole career has been devoted to helping children through education. I have a very good standard of written and spoken English, and I have helped many students to improve their reading, writing, speaking and grammar. We at Novakid understand that education is important to your family, so you can depend on us to offer your child lessons of a high quality. We look forward to meeting your child!
My name is Roxanne. I have been teaching children for 10 years - both online and offline. I studied Montessori theory of education and worked in a Montessori school, Special Needs school, Primary School and High School - as well as Online Schools. Here at Novakid your child will gain something which will stay with them forever - the ability to speak the international language of English hich opens many doors for these young learners and provides them with many opportunities! See you in our school soon!
Welcome to Novakid School! My name is Teacher Anni, and I'm thrilled to say that I have years of teaching experience. I began my teaching career in South Africa where I taught for five years in a public school before pursuing my life as an online English Teacher. I have a passion for teaching young children between 4 and 14 years. I am a loving and patient teacher. I strive to conduct fun and interactive lessons with my students. As I have two young kids, I know learning can be difficult and challenging. Do not worry you have come to the right school. I know YOU will enjoy the fruit of your hard work in the years to come. My superpower is bringing joy and engagement to learning through the magic of singing, making each lesson an unforgettable and melodious experience. Come and join me in my class!
Hello! I am teacher Dayna. I am a passionate and engaging certified English teacher. I have been teaching since 2019. I love my work and enjoy meeting kids from around the world. I am an outgoing person and enjoy a positive and energetic lifestyle. We've got the best teachers and the most talented students here at Novakid! Join our global family!
Hi! I'm JP. I have been teaching English since 2019. I have taught one-on-one and group classes and enjoy the process of teaching someone my mother tongue. I truly believe in keeping the class upbeat, enthusiastic, and engaging. I have found infusing humor into teaching really brings the classroom alive and aids in the student’s enjoyment. Learning English is a journey and not a destination, so come join me in my Novakid classroom and I am so excited to begin our journey.
Hi! My name is Jurgen, but you can call me Joe. I am a native English speaker. I am a father of two lovely children and understand the difficulty of learning - especially a new language. There is no greater reward than seeing children with language barriers or a need to learn a new language (like English) being equipped and developed to be fluent in that specific language. I regard each student as a VIP, whether you are a beginner or an advanced student looking to improve your English. My Superpower is that I can make learning fun and engaging, with an arsenal of educational toys that turn every lesson into a playful and enriching experience. See you in class!
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