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Meet your English teacher Elaine C!

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Elaine C

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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up209 positive feedbacks
students52 active students
lessons1358 lessons
Lessons taught
About myself
Hello! I'm Elaine C! I've been teaching English as a Second Language since 2015. I have taught many students of various ages and backgrounds. I love teaching because it allows me to be connected to different people all over the world. I am able to enrich my own knowledge while helping people reach their English-learning goals. I hope to be of help to you too. My Superpower is that I can write with both hands! See you soon!
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Elaine C

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Sorry, the teacher doesn't have free slots. Please choose another
map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up209 positive feedbacks
students52 active students
lessons1358 lessons