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Meet your English teacher Lara C!

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Lara C

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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
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About myself
Hi there! I'm Lara C and I've been teaching English since 2015. I love helping young minds grow. It's all about sparking curiosity and guiding students towards knowledge and self-discovery. In my classes, I weave together care and creativity. I find great joy in crafting lessons that not only teach but also inspire. With fun activities and personal attention, I aim to make every class a moment of learning and brightness. I'm grateful to the parents who trust me with their child's education. In return, I promise to give my all. Every student is special to me, full of potential waiting to bloom. I aim to nurture this potential with kindness, understanding, and support. My Superpower is that I can turn any learning moment into an exciting adventure, igniting curiosity and joy in every young learner! Together, let's build a warm environment where learning thrives, minds grow, and hearts are full of joy. Thank you for considering me as a guide on your child's learning journey. Let's walk hand in hand towards a brighter future!
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Lara C

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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
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