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Meet your English teacher Liz S!

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Liz S

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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up1906 positive feedbacks
students76 active students
lessons8562 lessons
Lessons taught
About myself
Hi! My name is Liz S. I started teaching English in 2012. I taught English to groups of young students. I've also taught different courses of English to both young and adult students, beginners and advanced. I have learned the importance of imparting knowledge to students with patience and enthusiasm. And those are what I bring to my classes: a great deal of patience and enthusiasm to encourage my students to learn in the best way and the most fun they can.
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Liz S

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Sorry, the teacher doesn't have free slots. Please choose another
map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up1906 positive feedbacks
students76 active students
lessons8562 lessons