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Meet your English teacher Masooda!

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map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up300 positive feedbacks
students56 active students
lessons1414 lessons
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About myself
Hi, my name is Masoodah and I can't wait to be your next English teacher. I have been teaching since 2020. I am fun, outgoing, and patient. I am always keen to help wherever I can assist. My hobbies include singing, dancing, and reading. I also enjoy travelling and adventure. I like exploring new places, meeting new people and engaging in outdoor activities with my family and friends. I love spending my time at the beach and going for a swim. My Superpower is that I can sing in many different languages! I would love to see you in my next class. Goodbye!
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Sorry, the teacher doesn't have free slots. Please choose another
map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up300 positive feedbacks
students56 active students
lessons1414 lessons