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map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up18041 positive feedback
students72 active students
lessons21089 lessons
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Zdravo! Ja sam Natasha. Od 2010. podučavam engleski kao strani jezik i online i u nastavi licem u lice. Radio sam u Tajlandu i Južnoj Africi. Imam iskustva u podučavanju djece od 4-15 godina. Imam isk...
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Lessons taught 21089
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up17537 positive feedbacks
students114 active students
lessons28399 lessons
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Zdravo! Moje ime je Enzo. Ja sam profesionalni licencirani učitelj. Od 2011. podučavam engleski različite nacionalnosti i uzraste. Podučavanje je moja strast. Pomaganje mojim mladim učenicima u razumi...
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Lessons taught 28399
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map markerCanada
user languageNative speaker
thumb up15752 positive feedbacks
students116 active students
lessons24794 lessons
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Ja sam kanadski rođeni govornik engleskog jezika. Diplomirao sam na Sveučilištu Winnipeg u Kanadi s diplomom prvostupnika umjetnosti 2010. i nedavno sam diplomirao na međunarodno priznatom tečaju Pouč...
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Lessons taught 24794
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map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up13552 positive feedbacks
students34 active students
lessons15976 lessons
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Bok! Ja sam Daryn. Ja sam entuzijastična i radosna osoba. Predajem engleski jezik od 2013. Uživam biti u društvu djece i pomoći im u rastu. Predajem engleski kao stranac 2 godine u inozemstvu. Moji te...
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Lessons taught 15976
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up13501 positive feedback
students110 active students
lessons23451 lesson
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Bok! Ovo je učiteljica Maria. Imam iskustva u podučavanju djece i odraslih. Obučavam studente da mogu izraziti svoje misli i sebe koristeći engleski pred velikom masom. Učenje engleskog može biti izaz...
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Lessons taught 23451
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up12148 positive feedbacks
students72 active students
lessons16476 lessons
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Zdravo! Moje ime je Roselo. Predajem od 2020. Moj stil podučavanja je uključivanje mnogo različitih vrsta stilova učenja kao što su vizualne, kinestetičke i auditivne tehnike. Vjerujem da učenici najb...
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Lessons taught 16476
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up11586 positive feedbacks
students59 active students
lessons19428 lessons
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Bok! Moje ime je Handie. Predajem engleski online od 2016. I prije sam držao i podučavao djecu i odrasle studente, ali najviše volim podučavati djecu jer sam zapravo dijete u srcu. Možda je to jedan o...
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Lessons taught 19428
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up11585 positive feedbacks
students101 active student
lessons22569 lessons
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Bok, moje ime je Wyben. Pisao sam engleske pjesme i pjesme kad sam bio mlad. Kasnije sam postao ESL učitelj jer mi je strast podučavati engleski mlade učenike. Predajem engleski stranim studentima od ...
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Lessons taught 22569
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Queen M

map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up11229 positive feedbacks
students110 active students
lessons18701 lesson
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Bok tamo! Predajem engleski jezik od 2019. godine. Držim nastavu jedan na jedan, a također i grupnu nastavu. Imam osobno iskustvo kada je riječ o djeci. Zašto? To je zato što i ja imam kćer koju najvi...
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Lessons taught 18701
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Sheila P

map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up11220 positive feedbacks
students71 active student
lessons19531 lesson
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Bok! Moje ime je Sheila P. Predajem engleski online od 2012. Također sam iskusila podučavanje djece u grupi i imala sam neke dijelove obuke o tome kako voditi nastavu za djecu od 3 godine. Moj stil po...
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Lessons taught 19531
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up11114 positive feedbacks
students34 active students
lessons18198 lessons
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Bok, ja sam učiteljica Liezl. Predajem engleski jezik od 2015. godine. Odmalena sam sanjala da postanem učiteljica. A sada, evo me. A evo i tebe. Ako sam ja uspio, uspjela si i ti. Naučimo jezik napam...
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Lessons taught 18198
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up11056 positive feedbacks
students92 active students
lessons24747 lessons
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Zdravo! Ja sam učiteljica Ivy. Počeo sam predavati engleski online 2015. Uvijek volim upoznavati nove učenike dok gradim odnose sa svojim redovnim studentima. Strastvena sam i strpljiva, posebno s mla...
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Lessons taught 24747
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up10809 positive feedbacks
students70 active students
lessons14754 lessons
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Bok! Moje ime je Hasia. Volim poslovni i menadžerski posao, ali moje srce da podučavam, inspiriram i povezujem se s djecom kroz komunikaciju tako strastveno gori u meni. Vodio sam grupne i individualn...
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Lessons taught 14754
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map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up10047 positive feedbacks
students29 active students
lessons9939 lessons
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Moje ime je Paula! Ja sam vrlo predana i strastvena učiteljica koja ima odgovarajuće iskustvo i kvalifikacije za online učiteljicu. Moje iskustvo uključuje podučavanje u dobi od 4 do 18 godina i nekol...
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Lessons taught 9939
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up10044 positive feedbacks
students84 active students
lessons18810 lessons
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Zdravo! Moje ime je Joms. Poučavam mlade učenike različitih razina od 2016. Volim provoditi aktivnosti s djecom i motivirati ih da budu sigurniji u korištenju engleskog jezika. Vrlo sam ljubazan, ener...
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Lessons taught 18810
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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up9856 positive feedbacks
students61 active student
lessons16433 lessons
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Moje ime je Charina i ja sam online učiteljica engleskog s Filipina. Počeo sam poučavati engleski 2016. Imam iskustva u poučavanju učenika različitih razina komunikacije na engleskom u dobi od 1 do 65...
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Lessons taught 16433
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Angely A

map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up9738 positive feedbacks
students90 active students
lessons19719 lessons
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Zdravo! Ja sam Angely A, predajem od 2018. Zaista volim podučavati engleski. Volim pjevati, plesati i putovati. Vjerujem da je učenje učinkovitije kada se zabavljate. Zato uvijek pazim na interaktivan...
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Lessons taught 19719
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map markerRussia
user languageNear-native
thumb up9491 positive feedback
students58 active students
lessons13994 lessons
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Pozdrav! Moje ime je Yaroslava i potpuno sam kvalificirana učiteljica engleskog jezika. Podučavao sam mlade učenike, tinejdžere i odrasle. Volim stvarati nastavno okruženje koje je puno poticaja! Moj ...
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Lessons taught 13994
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Jewel Po

map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up9468 positive feedbacks
students59 active students
lessons17147 lessons
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Bok! Moje ime je Jewel. Predajem engleski kao drugi jezik nakon što sam diplomirao na Sveučilištu 2007. Do danas sam upoznao studente iz različitih zemalja. Njihova dob se kreće od 3 do 50 godina. U s...
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Lessons taught 17147
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Shamira S

map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up9337 positive feedbacks
students61 active student
lessons18454 lessons
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Bok! Moje ime je Shamira i ja sam online učiteljica engleskog s Filipina. Predajem engleski jezik od 2015. godine i to su bile najljepše godine mog života. Usput sam sreo toliko studenata, od 3 godine...
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Lessons taught 18454