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Meet your English teacher Maria!

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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up13550 positive feedbacks
students97 active students
lessons23880 lessons
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About myself
Bok! Ovo je učiteljica Maria. Imam iskustva u podučavanju djece i odraslih. Obučavam studente da mogu izraziti svoje misli i sebe koristeći engleski pred velikom masom. Učenje engleskog može biti izazovno, ali nikada nije nemoguće. Vjerujte u sebe i postat ćete dobar govornik jezika. Veselim se što ću biti vaš partner u ostvarenju vašeg cilja. Moja supermoć je što mogu stvarati zabavne kratke videozapise. Vidimo se u razredu!
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Sorry, the teacher doesn't have free slots. Please choose another
map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
thumb up13550 positive feedbacks
students97 active students
lessons23880 lessons