English for 8-9 year old kids

In the 2nd grade, even such little kids are able to understand some aspects of the educational process. For third-graders, learning becomes their leading activity. It's a perfect time to dive into English in the classroom!

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Managing attention is the key to success

For second or third graders English lessons at primary school don’t often bring joy or draw their interest. Generally, school teachers and tutors focus on drilling grammar rules and practising reading techniques at a time when the students are just learning to manage their attention and even basic concentration is an effort for them.
The Novakid programme considers these psychological features of 8-9 y.o. kids in-order to increase the effectiveness of classroom learning. It motivates kids to study and develop their skills.

With students at this elementary-school level, it is important not only to master language skills, but also to increase their interest in learning.

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With students at this elementary-school level, it is important not only to master language skills, but also to increase their interest in learning.

Why do we teach English to kids at the age of 8-9 years old?

  • At this age kids' mental abilities are dramatically expanding, memory and their cognitive abilities are developing intensively.
  • New information raises a huge interest.
  • Children are very sociable and emotional.
  • Game is a still a favorite type of activity. The more interactive the better.
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Our Starters Programme is developed for primary students of 2nd and 3rd grades, who begin or continue their learning.

Special Format of Classes

We considered all the peculiarities of children's development at the age of 8-9 and created descriptive, visual materials which provoke interest and emotional reaction. Clearly arranged tasks include elements of cognitive, learning and game-based activities. An individual approach, praising, support and a friendly atmosphere - every piece of a Novakid class helps the learning process.

Special Format of Classes

Special Format of Classes

Result at the Core

Novakid starters programmes include all grammatical structures and lexical units compulsory for 8-9 y.o. students. In contrast to regular classroom settings, in our classes, kids acquire reading and grammar skills via playing, interacting, and communicating with a teacher. Thus, we create motivation for learning. By the end of the course a student is prepared for passing Pre-A1 exam (YLE Starters - Listening and speaking).

Result at the Core

Result at the Core

! It's free!

At a trial lesson, your child will meet a teacher,
practice some English and learn new phrases.
Meanwhile we will test their level
and give recommendations for further learning!
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