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Hi! I was wondering, if you could give us a hand. My son is having some trouble with on complex sentences, and I’m not sure how to guide him. Could you possibly explain it in a way that might click with him?
Last update: 6 hours ago
Hello there) , I am a bit confused about the meaning of the phrase (Whistling birds). can you please help
Last update: 11 hours ago
Hey there! Recently, while helping my kid with English homework, we came upon a phrase that caught my attention: "morphology." I'm curious to learn its meaning in easy way please. Thx!
Last update: 1 day ago
How your doing? When to use "who" versus "whom"? Unsure of the distinction, I thought it best to seek your guidance as a teacher.
Last update: 2 days ago
Hope your doing great, there is a word "penne" on the pasta box how to pronounce it ?
Last update: 2 days ago
Dear Miss, Olya my wife read a riddle: "What's the opposite of wise?" After a few failed attempts to guess, we turned to you,for the answer.
Last update: 2 days ago
Hello, could you please clarify when to use a t-test versus a z-test, as I wanted to better understand the concepts to help my daughter with her homework.
Last update: 3 days ago
Good day!! Where can i find how tp pronounce the word (correct) ?
Last update: 4 days ago
Greetings, I was reading a historical article with my child about American Revolution, we stumbled upon the phrase "no taxation without representation." It left me curious about its meaning, so I'd love to learn more about it
Last update: 5 days ago
Hey Miss! While scrolling through social media feeds, I kept noticing a recurring hashtag, #LetsGoBrandon. Curious about its significance, can you please explain the phrase.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Dear teacher,what is the meaning of (Melodic instruments)?
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Dear teacher, i came over the word "faux" while reading the movie's description, can you please help me how to pronounce it ?
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Hii, my oldest Sam was describing a character in his favorite book as "courageous," but my younger Riri didn't understand what it meant. Now I'm curious, could you suggest a synonym for "courageous" that I could explain to them?
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Hello, I was setting up a small telescope with my daughter Lara in our backyard, she pointed to the sky and exclaimed, "Look, mommy, twinkling stars!" , what did she mean with twinkling stars?
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Heyy, ( Ennui ) sounds like a french word so im not sure how to pronounce it, please help.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
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