NovaKid paper planes


Ethel Ethel
Hello there) , I am a bit confused about the meaning of the phrase (Whistling birds). can you please help
Last update: 9 hours ago
Ahmed AlFahad
Hey there! Recently, while helping my kid with English homework, we came upon a phrase that caught my attention: "morphology." I'm curious to learn its meaning in easy way please. Thx!
Last update: 1 day ago
Andreea Dumitrescu
Greetings, I was reading a historical article with my child about American Revolution, we stumbled upon the phrase "no taxation without representation." It left me curious about its meaning, so I'd love to learn more about it
Last update: 5 days ago
Yui Suzuki
Hey Miss! While scrolling through social media feeds, I kept noticing a recurring hashtag, #LetsGoBrandon. Curious about its significance, can you please explain the phrase.
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Dear teacher,what is the meaning of (Melodic instruments)?
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Hello, I was setting up a small telescope with my daughter Lara in our backyard, she pointed to the sky and exclaimed, "Look, mommy, twinkling stars!" , what did she mean with twinkling stars?
Last update: 2 weeks ago
Good afternoon, i am planning a family vacation, Alex my husband saw in a travel brochure featuring a breathtaking image of towering peaks captioned "Majestic mountains." What does it mean?
Last update: 2 weeks ago
I remembered that when we were decorating the house for the holiday season, I unpacked a box labeled "Twinkling Christmas lights." does it have a meaning or its just a name ?
Last update: 3 weeks ago
Fatima Sadek
Can you please teacher explain the skies that are described as starry mean?
Last update: 3 weeks ago
Juju Jewoi
hey there!! during soccer practice of my princess, her coach said to the team, "Take a deep breath, feel the crisp morning air—it'll invigorate you!" Pola intrigued by the coach's words, asked me about the what she said, can you please explain the meaning of crisp morning?
Last update: 4 weeks ago
Aisha Ibrahim
Last Friday night we watched an old western movie with my kids, one of the characters casually said, "I'm your huckleberry." It caught my attention. Could you kindly explain what this phrase signifies? Thanks!
Last update: 1 month ago
Hello Ms. Can you please explain the meaning of blooming fields, so that i understand when can we describe a field as blooming?
Last update: 1 month ago
Aysi Yilmaz
Hello! While chatting with other parents online about parenting challenges, someone mentioned a situation where they felt confused and manipulated by their child's behavior. They used the term 'gaslighting' to describe it, and now I'm curious to understand its meaning better please.
Last update: 1 month ago
Gulnara Abdirova
Hey there! I was having a little chat with my kiddo, and suddenly she asked me, "What does 'face the music' mean?" I realized it was the perfect opportunity to teach them about taking responsibility, and I thought, who better to explain it than our friendly English teacher?
Last update: 1 month ago
Katya Koroleva
Good day, During a conversation with my Nastya she mentioned a phrase they heard from a friend, "Call me by your name." It piqued my interest, and I'd love to learn more about its meaning.
Last update: 1 month ago
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