How do you pronounce "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"?

Hello, and Wow! What a good question.
This word definitely helps develop a person's mouth and tongue gymnastics. It is pronounced as follows: "soo - puh - ka - luh - fra - juh - luh - sticks - ex - pee - a - luh - doe - shis".
The 'oo' in 'soo' is pronounced the same as the 'ou' in 'soup'. All the 'uh' sounds are pronounced the same as the 'u' in 'umbrella'. The 'ka' sound is pronounced the same as the 'ca' in 'cat'. And the 'doe' is pronounced the same as the 'doe' which is a female deer.
I really hope that this helps you in pronouncing it correctly.