How do you use commas accurately?

Hi, Henry! Commas are like little breaks or pauses in your writing. They help make your sentences clear and easy to read. Here are some fun rules with examples to help you understand when to use commas.
1. Commas in Lists
When you have a list of three or more things, use commas to separate them.
- "I like apples, bananas, and grapes."
- "I love my teddy bear, my toy car, my Lego set, and my action figures."
2. Commas in Dates
Use commas to separate the day from the month and the date from the year.
- "Today is August 8, 2024."
Think about your birthday:
- "My birthday is on March 10, 2015."
3. Commas in Addresses
Use commas to separate parts of an address.
- "She lives at 123 Main Street, Springfield, Illinois."
Remember, commas help make your lists clear and easy to read. Thank you!