How to pronounce "segue"?

Hi, there! The pronunciation of "segway" is /ˈsɛɡˌweɪ/ or [SEG-wey]. Let me break it down for you:
- The stressed syllable is indicated with capital letters: SEG-wey.
- The first syllable, "SEG," is pronounced as /sɛɡ/, with a short "e" sound as in "bed," followed by a hard "g" sound.
- The second syllable, "wey," is pronounced as /weɪ/ and the "w" pronounced as in "wet."
So, altogether, it's pronounced as "SEG-wey" or /ˈsɛɡˌweɪ/.
Here's a sample sentence: The speaker's smooth segue from one topic to another kept the audience engaged throughout the presentation.
I hope this explanation clarifies the pronunciation for you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! Thank you and hope this helps!