How to use "e.g." in a sentence?

Hello, Lena_Wagner. If I remember correctly, I only began using "e.g." when I was writing my papers in college. I'm quite surprised to know schools are teaching it now to kids.
First and foremost, ‘e.g.’ is a Latin abbreviation that stands for “example gratia” meaning “for example”. It is to give a list of examples for what was just mentioned.
It is often written in parentheses(e.g.,_____). To use it, we should put a period after each letter and the two letters must be lowercased. A comma is also necessary after ‘e.g.’ before listing down the examples to be given.
Let’s try using it in a sentence:
This New Year’s Eve my family decided to make some Italian dishes (e.g., zampone, cenone, spaghetti, struffoli, and raffioli).