Use of Preposition "By" in Sentence

This is a great question. Thank you for sending it in.
The word 'by' has many uses such as indicating location, time or action. Here are some examples:
- Location - it can be used to indicate that something is near or besides something else like in your example 'by the door'. It can also be use to indicate that something is past something else (He walked by me).
- Time - it can be used to indicate a time limit or deadline (You must be out of your Bed and Breakfast by 10am)
- Action - it can be used to indicate how something is done (The train is powered by electricity), and it can be used to indicate who or what performed an action, like in your example (The painting was done by her) - this example is written in the passive voice where the object comes first in the sentence and the subject comes second. The passive voice often makes use of 'by'.
I hope that these examples give you a better idea of how to use 'by'.