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Morning All, how can we write a definition for Rolling waves please, using simple words?
Last update: 4 months ago
Dear tutor, In the morning i was driving, i tuned in to the radio and heard the DJ mention a "Whistling song." Whats that phrase mean?
Last update: 4 months ago
Hope your doing great! Please explain the different meanings of the phrase : gentle touch).
Last update: 4 months ago
Hello, Please dear tutor, What is the meaning of: easy go?
Last update: 4 months ago
Hello My son and I were discussing creative writing, we read (Come up with an idea ... ) in his storybook. Come up? can you explain it please.
Last update: 4 months ago
Miss, i want to ask if "Look into" has a deeper meaing other than looking with eyes into something ?
Last update: 4 months ago
Good day, i got a book titled "Write a Poetry from A to Z" as a gift, can you tell me what does wtite a poetry mean ?
Last update: 4 months ago
Dear Miss, does (climb a tree) has direct and indirect meanings? can you please elaborate.
Last update: 4 months ago
Hey there! During my child's virtual English lesson, I noticed the term "upper intermediate" in their progress report. what does it mean?
Last update: 4 months ago
My teenage girl always says to her best friend over the phone "spill the tea" , what does she mean ?
Last update: 4 months ago
Yesterday, while playing with my kids, my youngest son accidentally knocked over his brother's tower of blocks. In frustration, his brother exclaimed, "Bite me!" I'm curious about the meaning behind this phrase.
Last update: 4 months ago
Bonjour! My son mentioned how his friend got into trouble and said he's going to "catch hell" from his parents. What does it mean ?
Last update: 4 months ago
Dear Miss, In a book, we encountered a character who witnessed bullying but chose to "turn a blind eye." Curious about its meaning please.
Last update: 4 months ago
Good day! I was planning a picnic with my kids, gathering snacks, games, and even extra blankets in case of unexpected weather changes. Suddenly, my friend mentioned the phrase "to prepare for all possibilities," and I realized it perfectly described my picnic preparations. I'm curious to learn more about its meaning and how to use it effectively!
Last update: 4 months ago
Hello Miss, while playing a board game with my child, we encountered the phrase 'one on a side.' We'd love some clarification please.
Last update: 4 months ago
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