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Good day All. My eldest son challenged me to a game of Scrabble. As I placed down the word "box," my youngest daughter asked, "What's the plural of box, Mom?" , please help!
Last update: 4 weeks ago
hey there!! during soccer practice of my princess, her coach said to the team, "Take a deep breath, feel the crisp morning air—it'll invigorate you!" Pola intrigued by the coach's words, asked me about the what she said, can you please explain the meaning of crisp morning?
Last update: 4 weeks ago
Last Friday night we watched an old western movie with my kids, one of the characters casually said, "I'm your huckleberry." It caught my attention. Could you kindly explain what this phrase signifies? Thanks!
Last update: 1 month ago
Hey hey, so since here is the pronunciation page, what is pronunciation :) ?
Last update: 1 month ago
Hello hello! During a parent-teacher conference, I noticed a sign in the hallway stating "Our School's Principal". Confused, I want to ask about the difference between "principal" and "principle" to ensure I was using them correctly in conversation.
Last update: 1 month ago
Hello Ms. Can you please explain the meaning of blooming fields, so that i understand when can we describe a field as blooming?
Last update: 1 month ago
Sam has an assignment from to practice using passive and active voice. He needs to rewrite sentences like "The ball was thrown by John" to "John threw the ball" and the other way around. Could you provide some additional sentences for him to practice converting between passive and active voice?
Last update: 1 month ago
Good evening during a parent-teacher conference discussing my child's interest in public speaking, I stumbled over the pronunciation of "segue" while discussing smooth transitions. It seemed important to ask for clarity of its pronunciation from a teacher.
Last update: 1 month ago
Good evening! My oldest daughter asked about the past tense of "steal" while playing Scrabble. We all paused, realizing none of us were certain. So, I promised her I'd ask here for help.
Last update: 1 month ago
Hello! While chatting with other parents online about parenting challenges, someone mentioned a situation where they felt confused and manipulated by their child's behavior. They used the term 'gaslighting' to describe it, and now I'm curious to understand its meaning better please.
Last update: 1 month ago
Salam teachers, During dinner, my little Warda asked how to pronounce "salmon" correctly, as she heard it differently from her friends.
Last update: 1 month ago
Hey there! I was having a little chat with my kiddo, and suddenly she asked me, "What does 'face the music' mean?" I realized it was the perfect opportunity to teach them about taking responsibility, and I thought, who better to explain it than our friendly English teacher?
Last update: 1 month ago
Good day, During a conversation with my Nastya she mentioned a phrase they heard from a friend, "Call me by your name." It piqued my interest, and I'd love to learn more about its meaning.
Last update: 1 month ago
I am reaching out, because while browsing through luxury fashion magazines, my daughter pointed at a stunning handbag and asked about the brand "Hermes." Unsure of the correct pronunciation, I thought it best to consult you, for the right way to say it.
Last update: 1 month ago
My friend texted me that she is sick as a dog and wont come over, what did she mean by saying that?
Last update: 1 month ago
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