Úroveň 4 programu Novakid je vytvorená pre deti vo veku 11 - 12 rokov. Kurz umožňuje dieťaťu dosiahnuť vysokú úroveň jazykových znalostí a harmonicky kombinuje bohatú slovnú zásobu, pokročilú gramatiku, poučné texty na čítanie a fascinujúce rozhovory s učiteľom. Po absolvovaní úrovne 4 môže dieťa absolvovať skúšku úrovne A2 (YLE Flyers) (počúvanie a hovorenie)
Vyskúšať zadarmoBy the end of Level 4 students are able to:
Students expand vocabulary on the following topics:
Level 4 (Flyers) grammar includes the following definitions and structures:
The child can accurately read the learned vocabulary, understands and answers questions on fairly long texts.
Does your child hate Math? Does History seem hard? Or maybe falls behind in Geography? For true English fans, nothing is impossible! Take a look at familiar school subjects in a new way! Exciting and informative CLIL lessons (Content and language integrated learning) will give your child the opportunity to dwell into the world of numbers and logic, continents and landscapes, the most important historical events and inventions of mankind, making the most out of the skills acquired at Novakid.
Teachers discuss the following topics with students:
Our teachers will get along with your child, test their current level of English and inspire them to learn the language!
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